What is Tampa Tanners?

We are a group of adults who pratice safe, consensual spanking, both in and out of a group setting in the Tampa area. We will hold get togethers, spanking parties, and host other outings with friendly spanko's who just love to have fun! So come and join us today!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Saturday Night Dinner (X-posted)

(X-posted from Thomas's Spanking Exploits)

On Saturday night at the Tampa Tanners Back to School Bash., we had the official dinner, which wasn't very crowded, due to our low turnout. That's okay, though, since we already had enough people to socialize and have fun. Even the Spanking Court's security guards joined us for dinner and took part in the fun, even though they probably thought we were just freaks when they first met us. They later said that we were some of the most down to earth people that they've ever met. We tried to talk the Spanking Court's makeup artist into joining us, but she had to be elsewhere, unfortunately.

It was arranged as a “serve yourself” dinner line, giving everyone a chance to socialize while fixing our plates. In that sense, I was actually glad that we had a small group, as I've been to parties where the dinner line almost extended to the door, and simply took forever. I'm in the habit of waiting until most everyone has served themselves before going up, simply for this reason. Since the line was more manageable, though, I went up earlier, putting me at the food table with Shy, the Villain, Katia and Ten Amorette as they were getting their own. That's certainly an eclectic mix of people.

As we were eating, Cookie called everyone's attention for the door prize drawing. With as many door prizes that were donated, though, as well as a low number of attendees, everyone got at least one door prize to take home, and we even put the names back in the hat to go around for most of a second round. Even the security guards took something, though only one of them was brave enough to actually pick an implement. Shy was pretty predictable, taking a crying towel that proclaims “I (Heart) Spankings.” I know that I'm surprised.

After each name was called, the winner was invited up and given a chance to pick their own door prize from the table, giving the earlier winners a much better chance at getting something that they want, rather than a random prize of our own choosing. Cali, oddly enough, kept choosing long and stingy things like this cane, which was immediately used on her. She can't even behave during dinner, I guess.

Looking very authoritative in her school teacher ensemble, Dana Kane (Spanking Court Bailiff, Dana Kane – Disciplinarian) holds up the paddle that she picked from the table. She probably had a schoolboy or two to try it out on, I'm sure.

The tallest schoolgirl in class, Dazey, also picked a nice cane for her collection, though she almost looks like she's making plans to use it on someone else, rather than having it used on her. Someone needs to explain to her about how things work with naughty schoolgirls. They get the spankings. They don't get to give them out.

After dinner, things really started to wind down. There was still a bit of play, but we split up into small groups to socialize according to our own interests. Eventually, several attendees went out to the bar, others up to their rooms, and Shy and I left the hotel with Ten Amorette for a spanking shoot. I'll be speaking more about Ten in my next post, so keep watching for it.

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