
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Aftermath of the Back to School Bash (X-posted)

(X-posted from Thomas's Spanking Exploits)

After an eventful weekend at the Tampa Tanners Back to School Bash, I finally have a chance to sit down and talk about the experience. Today was spent mostly relaxing with Cookie, Katia and the kids, though I did stop by the hotel briefly to say goodbye to a few remaining party attendees that were leaving out this morning. I needed the rest, too, because my weekend was very tiring and full of spanks. I even have a small blister on the palm of my spanking hand, which is one of the best indicators of a great party. While it ended up being a smaller party than we'd planned, it still came out well, and the mix of people was just right to keep everything fresh and fun. Even the vendors did well, which we were worried about with such low turnout.

I'm going to collect my thoughts for a few days, though, before I go into any specifics about the weekend. I need that much time just for some of the pictures to start filtering their way back to me, and then a few days just to go through them and choose the ones that I want to post for my readers to enjoy. I'll also have some candid video from my spanking shoot with Ten Amorette that I'll need to find time to edit and post. So, unlike some parties in the past, it will probably be at least Thursday before I start giving out the details. Between now and then, though, I'll have a video promo to whet your whistle, and my usual batch of answers to spanking questions on Wednesday, so it won't simply be a boring week.

To give you a general idea of what to expect, though, here's a few of the highlights. Of course, as I've already mentioned, I had a shoot with the lovely Ten Amorette, which was incredibly fun to film and play with. Towards the end of our shoot, we had a candid play session that the camera was rolling for, and I'll share that video when it's ready. The Spanking Court also made the weekend a blast, as several of the Tampa Tanners girls had their day in court for Judge Spanks to declare them guilty, and send them home with souvenir panties proclaiming them as such. Speaking of Judge Spanks, I think that he single-handedly kept our vendors in business, and went home with a sizable collection of new implements, including a fair amount of leather.

Yes, there was a lot going on, and this short description barely scratches the surface. If you want to get the juicy details, you'll have to come back and read my blog for the next week or so.

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