
Monday, February 28, 2011

The first Tampa Tanners Meet and Greet

Saturday was Tampa Tanners very first Meet and Greet. Katia and I were really nervous that morning and excited at the same time. We wanted to get to Perkins a little earlier but we ended up running late. We made it right at 2 though and had a few people already there waiting. Todd and Suzy from American Spanking Society where there and held the fort down for us before we got there. All together though I believe we had about 20 people show up for the Meet and Greet. I knew only a few of those though and meet some really great people. There was a very friendly atmosphere and everyone enjoyed lunch and chatting. One person had mentioned that there was alot going on in Tampa lifestyle wise that day and that they were glad that they choose our meeting. That made Katia and I very happy to hear. We were really happy with the outcome of our first meeting and really look forward to watching this group grow and getting to know more and more people as we go along. We only ran into one problem this time around though. When I went to reserve the room again for next months Meet and Greet the room was already booked. But I got it booked for April. I think I might go into Perkins this week and see if I can book the room for the every month this year if I can.

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